If death wasn't an obvious
Would life still be as precious?
If endings weren't an obvious
Would beginnings still be as ambitious?
If death wasn't an obvious
Would life still be as precious?
If endings weren't an obvious
Would beginnings still be as ambitious?
She sought home in the world; he weaved worlds in a home
Time differences end a lot many affairs; perceptual differences could never let their's begin
I have scars from the times I healed, and, tattoos from the times I couldn't
I have stories from the times I could re-live all over again, and, poetry from the times I didn't want to live even once
I have laughs from the times I pulled through and an ego to clothe them in, and, I have tears from the times I just couldn't, and many a mouthful of whiskey to drown them in
I have an insatiable urge to live for what the times to come might be, and, an irresistible urge to die for what the times to come will never be
What couldn't be done was lost in regrets
What wouldn't be done was lost in time trail
What couldn't be present was lost in past probable
What wouldn't be present was lost in overthought impossibilities
What couldn't be lived was lost in rusted graves
What wouldn't be lived was lost in crippling wrinkles
The soothing lies we sell
Because the truth is too uncomfortable to tell
It's odd how we seem to convince ourselves it's all to avoid hurting the ones we love
It's funny how we think we know that love can be broken by truths and yet healed in lies
Lies are like cancer; they feed off you
Until it's just you in your cobweb of lies
And skeletons of the ones you'd loved, around
Dead from the dearth of the truth, stinking of lies
Your lies
It takes bullets to kill a boy and lies to kill a lover
It takes faith to kill a truth and reason to kill a religion
And yet, all it takes to kill a poet, is sprinkled words
When you're on the opposite sides of a barbed wire
Split in two, by imaginary divides
A gun clenched in one hand, fear in the other
There's no right or wrong
Only a license to kill born out of a will to live
Roses can't breathe off bullet holes
Words are never just about words
Words are a world of their own
A world you and I know a lot about, we think
And yet know absolutely nothing about it
The Holocaust was born out of words as much as every Nobel Peace Prize speech
From the formula of building a bomb to scripting poetic justice, it's all words and words alone
It takes words to love, it takes words to hate, it takes words to grief, it takes words to rejoice
And yet, we think words exist for us, but do they really
Or the matter of fact is that, we merely exist to put words to purpose
You'd tell me, what a thought
And I'd say, WORD!
When you've grown a habit of wearing masks for faces
And the masks have grown the skin of faces
Can you tell masks from faces anymore?
When a chameleon has been a chameleon long enough, does it still remember it's true colour?