Monday, 30 May 2022

All Of What I Have

I have scars from the times I healed, and, tattoos from the times I couldn't

I have stories from the times I could re-live all over again, and, poetry from the times I didn't want to live even once

I have laughs from the times I pulled through and an ego to clothe them in, and, I have tears from the times I just couldn't, and many a mouthful of whiskey to drown them in

I have an insatiable urge to live for what the times to come might be, and, an irresistible urge to die for what the times to come will never be

Saturday, 28 May 2022


What couldn't be done was lost in regrets

What wouldn't be done was lost in time trail

What couldn't be present was lost in past probable

What wouldn't be present was lost in overthought impossibilities

What couldn't be lived was lost in rusted graves

What wouldn't be lived was lost in crippling wrinkles