Thursday, 25 July 2024

The Liars Called Poets

 You mourn of a dying democracy

In your borrowed words and acquired poetry

To some cheap claps and gasping hypocrisies

You think you have made a difference

You believe your three minutes of poetry is the ointment

This corrupt cosmos of rotten flesh and buried dreams needed to heal

Your soul touches your penis of an intellect

As your fragile ego masturbates into a commode of mediocrity

Wallowing in your made up pride

You gleam in shallow sweats of an assumed poetic genius

And as you walk back to the comfort of the four walls you call home

And as you light a cigarette sighing a breath of relief as if you've moved mountains

And as you pat yourself to sleep in the content smile of an imaginary win

Democracy dies a little more in the very oxygen you breathe

While you sell your poetry in the name of revolution 

Capitalism looks right back at you, and says, "Bitch please"

You care about democracy only when it earns you the label of a rebel

Revolution doesn't start or end with your poetry

You talk about politics and philosophies and transforming the world

Change doesn't begin in the comfort of inexpensive internet and affordable single malts

The truth is, you're just another privileged cunt

Who hides their privileges beneath a make-belief victim card

An utter piece of shit who cares for democracy as much as for dogshit

Whose faiths and beliefs are ingrained not in their blood but in their conveniences

And if, even for a brief moment, the tables were turned

You wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on democracy

While you pee on the very poetry you once wrote and called revolution

Because, who needs poetry when they have power?

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