Tuesday 8 October 2024


For years and decades and centuries and ages

Boys have waited to turn men, girls have waited to become women

And often fought each other, sometimes with each other

And all of it for a singular word, a twelve letter word that has plagued every human existence older than twelve

INDEPENDENCE is a twelve letter word; a rather lengthy word for vocabulary but, a rather short one to sum up the obsession of a billion lives

A word that's got so many addicted to it, a lion's share of them have forgotten what it truly means

Imagine being so independent that your independent brain is no longer capable of independently deciphering the meaning of the word independence

If you're looking for irony, human existences have defeated every other, known in the history of any and every language ever

So many lives costed for the independence of lands divided by imaginary latitudes

So many lives costed in the name of independence of people divided by imaginary gods

So many dreams of independence crushed and obliterated to pay for the dreams of independence of an entitled few

One begins to wonder, is the idea of independence really worth fighting it all and more often than not risking losing it all

So many selling their independence to suit their lust and so many buying someone else's independence simply because they can and because it lubricates their dildos of pride

One begins to wonder if it's independence or just condoms on sale at the supermarket, waiting to be used and thrown down carelessly into a pile of stinking garbage

Is independence even a real thing, an actual idea that can be remotely attempted to achieve let alone be won

Or is it just another opiod designed to bluff the whole of human race into gaslighting themselves with the mirage of an imagined superiority

Because if that day were to actually come that you were truly independent

Who'd you blame your failures on

Isn't that why you made up the gods in the first place

So you could escape admitting to your own self staring right back at you from across the mirror, that you are nothing but an aggregation of a never-ending cycle of continual and monumental fuckups

You seek refuge in the nostalgia you call childhood and gloat in the glory of how innocent, how happy and how blissful it was

Ever thought it was probably because you weren't independent, in fact the idea of independence wasn't even an idea your convoluted brain cells had conceived

Isn't it funny how you treat independence like it were good fuck you found in an off-season sale when the truth of it is, independence is that shit expensive divorce that costs you your everything

The happiness you thought you'd find is the price you paid to be audacious enough to even dream you could afford such luxury

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