Friday, 8 November 2024

Beneath The Skin Of Art

High above the stinking poverty line

And waist below the sickening exorbitantly rich

Exists layers of mediocrity 

Wrapped in levels of narcissism

Add up all possible permutations and combinations of the mediocrity layers and narcissism levels

And you get the whole of the shit-stained public lavatory that calls itself, the middle class

Every fuck-up needs a distraction

A mirage in the endless desert of a life

Deep down you know it's not real let alone be worthy

But then aren't we all empty crab shells pretending to be wholesome meals

Trying hard to forget our day jobs being skeletons in coffins in graveyards that smell of coffee, bullshit, and decayed dreams

In between measured lifespans wasted between complete sobriety and the utter lack of it

That's why the middle-class invented art

A privilege for the poor, a pastime for the rich, and a bucket load of false hopes for the ones existing in the in-betweens

Art is no rebellion, art is no revolution

Art is a disease; acute schizophrenia of a momentary greatness

Art exists at the tombstone of aspirations, at the morgue of truth

Art exists because you need a false sense of purpose in your otherwise mediocre existence

Art exists because you need a made up meaning to your rather meaningless being

Trapped in between the war to survive life and the luxury to auction it

You are no artist for art is illusion

You are a gaslighting escapist at best

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