Have you ever thought...
The vermillion of a forehead,is it a dawn,or a twilight...
The rain drenched sky is impeccable,yet
Your skin smells of a dried filth...
The differences,are they just a difference,or
The whole of it,an Aesop's fable...
The crowd of my city,are they busy,maybe
Just lonely...
So many had to be thought...
Have you ever thought.....
The vermillion of a forehead,is it a dawn,or a twilight...
The rain drenched sky is impeccable,yet
Your skin smells of a dried filth...
The differences,are they just a difference,or
The whole of it,an Aesop's fable...
The crowd of my city,are they busy,maybe
Just lonely...
So many had to be thought...
Have you ever thought.....
very nice representation ..as the two sides together seem to make up the actual situations ultimately.