A cynical feline,all by herself
Walked the middle of a road...
You had said,it was ill...
A helpless mongrel,all of sudden
Wept to herself,alone...
You had said,it was an omen...
I had asked,why...
Mandates couldn't be questioned...
Between real and reality
You had said.....
Walked the middle of a road...
You had said,it was ill...
A helpless mongrel,all of sudden
Wept to herself,alone...
You had said,it was an omen...
I had asked,why...
Mandates couldn't be questioned...
Between real and reality
You had said.....
mandates do need to be questioned as they exist neither in imagination or in any ideal world!..but true at times most people find temporary relief of their anxiety in such things and sometimes even discover some more on their own.really don't know if such relieving factors are of any true help!