You say poetry is liberation, poetry is a movement
Yet you guard it's gates like it's your birthright, like poetry is your ancestral heritage you have to safeguard from things you don't consider poetry enough
You say poetry is for one and all
And yet you bark rules and impose terms like a dictator fearing his imaginary empire will come crashing down like a house of cards
You say poetry is art
And yet all you ever talk is tall tales of cheap, rented ideas, like an ageing ape aiming for the low hanging fruits
You and I are poets nevertheless
But peers, we never were, we never will be
You need background scores to make your words bearable
I trade in awkward silences and heavy gasps to clothe my words in
You throw around words complicated enough to break jaws
I deal in ideas non-binary and non-aligned, that crumble biased backbones of spineless existences
You use words like diamonds, a veil of borrowed sophistication to mask your inner shallow
I use words like crumpled notes and clinking coins, the only currency I've ever known
You write poetry for greatness
I write poetry because I'd have to cut myself open if I didn't
Your poetry smells of expensive aftershave and sells abstract dreams
My poetry reeks of cheap liquor and tells ugly truths
You and I are poets nevertheless
Except, you're the pimp and I'm the flesh