Monday, 2 June 2014

A eunuch story...

I can't take anymore
I have had enough
Is it really my mistake
That I was born this way?
I was born different
But a human being
Feelings and emotions,my own
Like every other
Of the human kind
But,they are ashamed
To give me even a corner
They call me a eunuch...

Can somebody really change
The law of nature?
A victim of the law
I am,but,a cursed mutant
A child passes by
A certain sense of fear
He hides in his eyes
I walk the roads
Picking abuses from here and there
As I clap the infamous frequency
A life,worth some filthy dimes
I am,but,a eunuch...

I don't remember my doll-house
Or playing hide-and-seek
I don't remember my first love
I was never given a license
To be impregnated of feelings
Today,I'm just another one
Of  God's lesser children
I'm just another eunuch...
Nobody would shed a drop of sorrow
My lifeless body,still and stiff
Yet another story will
Like all other stories
Come to a full stop...
The story of a eunuch.....

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